
nFall 2023 Recruitment

Illini Blockchain is recruiting developers and researchers. Come join the team! Click here to learn why you should dive into this industry.

Important Information

- Application is Due Saturday, September 9th at 11:59 PM!

- Info Night is Thursday, August 31st in Siebel Center for Design Room 1000 from 5PM-6PM!

- Get Email Notifications HERE

- Apply Here (Due September 9th)

Start Learning About Blockchain Here:

🎒web3 Starter Pack

Learn More About Us:

💼Our Projects

Part 1: Google Form Application

We recommend you try to complete this by Wednesday, August 30th so you have enough time for part 2.

This application is for core contributors to Illini Blockchain. Members are expected to commit 8-10 hours a week.

If you’re unsure about committing to the core team, we also host community events for anyone to learn & meet like-minded people. Click here to stay updated via our socials. Click here to join our Discord with everyone in the community. With that being said, let’s get into the internal team application!!

First off, no previous crypto experience is necessary! We are looking for members with enthusiasm, ability to learn, & experience taking initiative. We are a young & scrappy RSO with big dreams. The most valuable trait you can provide is your time and effort.

We will be hosting an info night on August 31st to learn more & ask questions. If you have any additional questions, please email [email protected].

🖥️ Blockchain Developer

The Role: Your team will build blockchain projects! Those projects range each semester and can be about anything from decentralized platforms to security audits and data transformation. Learn more about past projects here:

💼Our Projects

Click below to learn more:

💻Developers @ Illini Blockchain

✍️ Blockchain Researcher

The Role: You and your team will research web3 companies & explain your insights. This may be through venture capital partner projects, written content, or public event presentations. Check out our past projects here:

💼Our Projects

Click below to learn more:

✍️Researcher @ Illini Blockchain


The Role: Your team will build algorithmic trading models based on a variety of strategies for cryptocurrency markets as well as research new trading strategies, markets, and the crypto trading ecosystem as a whole.

Click below to learn more:

💹Trading @ Illini Blockchain

Part 2: Take Home Assessment

This is the take home assessment for the research, developer, and algorithmic trading roles. We highly recommend choosing one of these to fill out, however you do have the option to do multiple if applying to multiple roles.

The researcher take home contains the Trading, Investment, and General Research Team Take Homes. The developer take home is the same for all developer interests.

If you have any questions, email [email protected].

🏠Researcher Take Home Fall 2023🖥️Developer Take Home Fall 2023