
Developers @ Illini Blockchain


🧙‍♂️nFall 2023 Recruitment

Projects @ Illini Blockchain

Blockchain is an emerging technology. The applications built today will be some of the most used applications in the world in 10 years.

We plan to be a part of that change (& bring UIUC with it). So, we build projects that explore how blockchain can be applied. We aim to build apps that will actually be used.

We believe in a multi-chain future, which means you’ll likely build on different layer 1s (e.g. previous projects have been built on EVM and Solana).

Internal projects either improve Illini Blockchain operations or pursue interesting research ideas. They help new devs build with smaller stakes.

Check out the NFT Mint Platform we built to host an event.

Check out Illini Blockchain’s DAO we built for on-chain membership and crypto-native money mangagement.

We set up Bitcoin Full Nodes using University allocated AWS resources.

External projects benefit our partners. These projects have a fixed scope and timeline and will be handed off to the partner at the end of the project. They help devs gain industry experience.

Check out the subscriptions protocol we built for Solana.

SAP - In Progress - An NFT lending protocol built for EVM.

Agora - In Progress - A decentralized peer to peer marketplace built for Solana.

This semester, we will have 2-3 dev teams working on projects for Solana, NEAR, or EVM.

Developers @ Illini Blockchain

Who we’re looking for

We’re looking for hackers - people who are comfortable learning new tech.

They (usually) prefer “learn-by-doing” and are able to put tech together to get a working project.

What you’ll do

  • Be part of an awesome team with big ambitions.
  • Go through an intense 2 week onboarding process learning the basics of blockchain development.
  • Build projects with a team of developers and a designer (if applicable).
  • Learn and explore new blockchain development tools and paradigms.
  • Come to our public community events & other social events.
  • Get dripped out in Illini Blockchain swag.
  • Learn how to get a blockchain internship/job.
  • Attend our crypto career fair.
  • Hack at our hackathon in Chicago with Jump Trading (hopefully).
  • Take initiative to improve & grow Illini Blockchain.

Possible Projects

While the next semester’s projects are still being planned out, here are the projects you might be working on!

Exploratory Team

  • Explore blockchain concepts
  • Build small projects
  • Learn about new technology

Corporate Team

  • Work with a company to build a project
  • TBD


  • Minimum 1 year left at UIUC
  • Weekly commitment of 8-10hrs/week
    • Non-negotiable
    • Includes work done outside of meetings
  • Previous programming experience
    • CS Fundamentals
  • Enthusiasm and willingness to learn blockchain technology :)

Nice to haves

  • Side projects are a big plus
    • Internships and research experience is also cool
  • Previous experience in crypto, web3, and blockchain
    • Send us your wallet address to show us your on-chain experience 🙂
    • Writing samples, programming projects, and other ways of demonstrated interest
    • Skills: Able to use a block explorer like Etherscan, solidity, hardhat, etc.
    • Don’t worry if you don’t know everything, just enough to be excited — we will take you down the crypto rabbithole :)
  • Web development skills
    • React, Javascript