
Researcher @ Illini Blockchain

Research @ Illini Blockchain

Every new technology needs translators who can explain it to normal people. Blockchain is no different.

As a researcher, you will be a translator. You don’t need to be a CS major. But you do need to be willing to learn as much as needed to become experts.

The blockchain industry is changing rapidly. There are very little ‘rules’ or hand-holding. That gives a HUGE competitive edge for people excited about the tech and able to navigate uncertainty. Lucky for you, we’ll be helping you learn as well and embark together on exploring a new frontier.

Our research involves deep dives on new protocols and products, tracking metrics for industry trends, & learning from industry leaders. If you’re coming from the world of investing, this is similar do doing ‘due diligence’.

Researcher @ Illini Blockchain

Who we’re looking for

We’re looking for people who can dive deep into complex topics & explain their insights simply.

We want people who can think for themselves.

And people who want to build Illini Blockchain into one of the best student organizations in the nation.

What you’ll do

  • Be part of an awesome team with big ambitions.
  • Go through an intense 2 week onboarding process learning the basics of blockchain research.
  • Research on blockchain projects & trends with a team.
  • Host public community events to help students learn (ex: guest speakers, web3 walkthroughs, & crypto career fair)
  • Host and/or attend our team social events
  • Get dripped out in Illini Blockchain swag.
  • Learn how to get a blockchain internship/job.
  • Take initiative to improve & grow Illini Blockchain.

Fall Teams

Here are some of the teams you might be working on and what you may do throughout the semester.


  • Build a comprehensive online web3 course
  • Explain complex blockchain concepts simply

Deep Dive

  • Dive deep into specific aspects of the crypto ecosystem
  • Write investigative papers on bleeding edge blockchain technologies

DeFi Investment

  • Manage and invest $$$ in various sections of DeFi throughout the semester
  • Write and pitch whitepapers outlining DeFi investment opportunities


  • Minimum 1 year left at UIUC
  • Weekly commitment of 8-10hrs/week
    • Non-negotiable
    • Includes work done outside of meetings
  • Enthusiasm and conviction of blockchain technology :)


  • Side projects are a big plus
    • Internships and research experience is nice to have
    • If you have writing samples or other pieces of content that demonstrate your ability to do deep research, let us know!
  • Previous experience in crypto, web3, and blockchain
    • Send us your wallet address to show us your on-chain experience 🙂
    • Writing samples, programming projects, and other ways of demonstrated interest
    • Don’t worry if you don’t know everything, just enough to be excited — we will take you down the crypto rabbithole :)
  • Understanding of SQL, R, or Python data analysis techniques (Data Science Team Only)