
Trading @ Illini Blockchain

Algorithmic Trading @ Illini Blockchain

Dive into the world of blockchain with our trading team!

As the blockchain realm constantly evolves, we work to financially navigate its complexities and make sense of its potential

Our team is involved in a variety of things, both research and development of trading strategies, ML trading models, etc.

Traders @ Illini Blockchain

Who we’re looking for

We’re looking for people who want to be at the intersection of finance, tech, and crypto

Proactive enthusiasts who prefer to get their hands dirty building projects and learn-by-doing

What you’ll do

  • Be part of an awesome team with big ambitions
  • Learn about trading in the cryptocurrency ecosystem
  • Build trading models and applications based on a variety of strategies
    • ML/AI models and more!
  • Research the crypto trading ecosystem as a whole
  • Come to our public community events & other social events
  • Get dripped out in Illini Blockchain swag
  • Learn how to get a blockchain internship/job
  • Attend our crypto career fair
  • Hack at our hackathon in Chicago with Jump Trading (hopefully)
  • Take initiative to improve and grow Illini Blockchain


  • Minimum 1 year left at UIUC
  • Weekly commitment of 8-10hrs/week
    • Non-negotiable
    • Includes work done outside of meetings
  • Previous programming experience
    • CS Fundamentals
  • Enthusiasm and willingness to learn about the blockchain and trading ecosystem :)

Nice to haves

  • Side projects are a big plus
    • Internships and research experience is also cool
  • Previous experience in crypto, web3, blockchain, ML/AI
    • Send us your wallet address to show us your on-chain experience 🙂
    • Writing samples, programming projects, and other ways of demonstrated interest
    • Don’t worry if you don’t know everything, just enough to be excited — we will take you down the crypto rabbithole :)
  • Previous Experience in finance
    • Equities trading, Derivatives trading, Crypto trading