
Crypto Usage Case Studies

Researchers: @Aniketh Chedalla @Rishi Shah @Larry Peng @Prianka Lexman @Kevin Choe

Hey guys, this is Illini Blockchain!

Did you know that the top four countries adopting cryptocurrencies right now are all developing countries?

In high-income countries like the US, we see users engaging in cryptocurrency simply to diversify their portfolios. However, we see developing countries using cryptocurrency as a means of financial infrastructure, securing their assets, and as protection against corrupt governments. Developing countries stand a lot to gain with the adoption of cryptocurrency, as it has always been seen as a catalyst for financial inclusion.

We have spent this semester researching many countries from around the world, and have uncovered some interesting and counterintuitive trends. We are very excited to share our insights on blockchain adoption worldwide!

Click through the individual case studies, or go in order with the next button down below 👇 ⬇️


🏃Hurdles to Adoption🌳Environmental Hurdles💼Regulatory Hurdles🤔Conclusions ‼️‼️‼️